Saturday, August 29, 2009

Moving from the Yellow Level to the Green Level

How are you doing with the Yellow Level? We're almost finished with it, so if you haven't gone through all the lessons in that level, it would be a good idea for you to do that now. The grammar that you study in the Green Level might look similar to that which you have studied in the Yellow Level, but there's a big difference. In the Yellow Level you study perfect and continuous tenses. These tenses are often confused with the passive voice. Look at this example:

She has been cleaning the house. (present perfect continuous tense)

The house has been cleaned. (present perfect tense, passive voice)

In the first sentence, we know who is doing the action. In the second sentence, the person who is doing the action is not mentioned. Is it a woman? Is it a woman. Is it a man? We don't know. But look at how similar the verbs are. �

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