Saturday, August 23, 2008

Obama Picks Biden

Barack Obama has chosen Joe Biden, a Senator from Delaware, to be his running mate. Good choice! Biden has strong foreign policy experience and he has been in the Senate for 36 years. He's a good speaker (like Obama), he's tough, and he has great appeal to working-class Americans. Obama lacks that appeal a little because he's so well-educated and when he communicates to people he can't hide that fact. Americans like someone who's smart but not too smart. You want to know why Bush got elected twice? That's why.

Here's another advantage to choosing Biden: In the U.S. system of government, the Vice President is also the President of the Senate, and there are times, such as when there's a tie (50 Senators in favor of something and 50 Senators against it) and the Vice President can cast the deciding vote. How many tiebreakers will there be? It depends on how well the Democrats do in the general election. I think they're going to do very well for reasons that have to do with Bush's mismanagement of two wars, the economy, and a complete disregard of the environment.

working class = a person who works for hourly pay. This is generally used for people who do manual labor and work with their hands.

appeal = attractiveness; a quality that other people like; beauty, intelligence, physical strength, determination, etc.

tiebreaker = an event that ends a tie, when two sides are equal in number.

disregard = the decision to ignore something; the do nothing; carelessness �

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